
Did you know SGPL is a registered charity?

If you would like to contribute, please contact us and/or consider the options below:

In person: Our staff at the Library Services Desk will happily accept donations. All donations over $10.00 are eligible to receive a charitable tax receipt.

Online: Make donating quick and easy by clicking on our donation form.

Donations will support the library collection, program/event offerings, and other services. If you would like your donation to go towards a certain library initiative, please let us know.

Donate Now!

Other Ways to Donate

  • Collection Donations - SGPL is currently accepting donations. Please review our procedure on what we will accept and take. Thank you.
  • Bottle Depot Account- SGPL has an annual bottle depot account at the Spruce Grove Bottle Depot (39 Diamond Ave NW). Skip the line and let the manager on duty know that the bottles and cans are for the SGPL account.
  • Corporate Giving- Find our donor profile through the Benevity causes portal.
  • Sponsor the Stacks - Choose what you want to read and get it off the shelf before anyone else!

SGPL is proud to acknowledge our partners and supporters--together, we build a Library Legacy in our Community of Choice